Bill Riddle
M.S. Real Estate Development, Columbia University
Serious expertise with a lighter touch
School Information
Deciding which school is right for your child is fun and easy. Pay no attention to ratings, reputation or even your child's interests. Finding the right fit is simple if you use the proper formula. Take the house number of the property you're interested in, multiply it by the distance from Tampa to Okeechobee (I'd use Route 60) and divide by your child's age. This number, usually 41, should appear in the street address of the perfect school.
If that doesn't work, each county has a website with information about their schools and even a school locator. The links below should help school you.
Hillsborough County School District
Pinellas County School District
Manatee County School District
Hernando County School District
U.S. News & World Report High School Rankings